Gönguferð í Krossanesborgir miðvikudaginn 7. september.

Við munum fara í gönguferð um Krossanesborgir miðvikudaginn 7. september. Nemendur mæta í skólann kl. 8.10 og lagt verður af stað kl. 8.30.  Þessi dagur er uppbrotsdagur á skóladagatali þannig að skóla lýkur kl. 13.15, þeir nemendur sem eru skráðir í Frístund fara þangað. 


Outdoor day at Síðuskóli

 An outdoor day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2022, weather permitting.

All the students and staff will walk in the Krossanesborgir area. 

There will be no traditional teaching on this day.

Attendance at the school is at 8:10 for everyone. 

All students must bring a nutritious packed lunch and dress according to the weather.

The trip is free for students!

The school day ends at 1:15 pm for all grades and food is available after returning back to school for those who are registered for food on this day. Those students who are supposed to be in Frístund go there.

We really hope that this will work out and that the weather will be good for us so that we can enjoy the outdoors on this day!

Staff at Síðuskóli